Monday, March 17, 2008

My police car

Sunday, March 16, 2008

My cars

My favorite toys.

Monday, March 10, 2008

A portrait in the sun

...while I was on the Disney Cruise trip.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Long time no see...

I've been so busy lately, the whole world just seemed to have exploded in front of me! Among all of the cool things I'm doing and trying, talking is my favorite for now. I just love the fact that I can imitate so many of the words people speak, especially in Chinese. I can speak as many as 5 words together at once! That's so awesome for me! I can totally express my basic needs(eating being on top of the list of course), and people have no problem understanding me! I call grand-pa and grand-ma in China sometimes, and they just love hearing me talk. Life is gooooooood...

Words from the Language institute of Tommy Fan

I love you --- I be tow
Cracker --- kaku
Truck --- kaku
Banana --- nana
Bus --- ba
moon --- ming
meow --- neow
Dog --- dou
Ball --- ballball